Benton Clean Air Agency

Dust Control

Property owners are responsible for controlling dust from their property according to the Washington Administrative Code 173-400-040 paragraph 9.

Fugitive Dust Policy

In 1995, the Clean Air Agency established a committee to determine a policy for the enforcement of dust regulations in the urban areas. Dust that moves off of property and impacts others is called “fugitive dust” and is regulated by state law. The committee was composed of community members including health officials, agriculture, construction industry, government officials, and other community members. The final draft of the policy was put into effect in June 1996.

A copy of the Urban Fugitive Dust Policy PDF is available here

An informational brochure on dust control for contractors is available both at our office and online.

Dust Control Guidelines

Reasonable Control Measures for many situations listed below can be found here:

  • construction and demolition
  • managing vacant lots
  • piles of material
  • hauled material
  • roads

Here are some documents from other agencies on dust control:

Dust Control Plans

The BCAA also has guidelines and forms for submitting a dust control plan (PDF DOC). Although we typically do not require dust control plans, these guidelines are useful for planning so that your project does not create a dust nuisance. BCAA can assist you with dust control strategies and plans.

Dust Control Plan

Warning Letters and Notices of Violation

If you have received a warning letter or Notice of Violation, it most likely is a result of a complaint or complaints from neighbors or other individuals.

Please click here for more information on what to do if you have received either document.

Dust Storm Slides